This is the fifth Palace in the game, and Haru is one of the last members to join the party. Shinjuku. All you gotta do is say the less romantic option when Joker thinks he should choose his words carefully. After doing both of these things, you will then have the option to visit Hifumi Togo at the Kanda Church. Persona 5 Royal. Choose "I'll Be Your Study Partner" in Prompt 4 Of Social Link 9. By rank 6 you’ll also be able to get coffee and curry made for you without spending your own time – these boost SP and make it far easier to get through palaces in one go. Honestly, the most expensive gifts in the Underground Mall aren't really worth the cost. " +2;. Remember that certain Confidants give you Social Stats when you hang out with them. k. ” Friendship – “You have the others. First answer: There’s no correct answer. That said, in Royal, the best possible result is to romance one and only one of the possible options per playthrough. Should the character get the funds, they can summon any registered Persona in the Velvet Room. Finally, when she asks whether this is a joke, say "It isn't a joke" to. Ann. Persona 5 Royal's twins hangout spots mostly echo the original. Published Apr 12, 2020. For the record, I don't really think Makoto is a bad option. Rank 7 (part two) Note: Charm Rank 4 is required. Impactful conversation choices for this rank: Choice 2: Option 1: "I'm sure you'll do great. Spending time with Ohya is a great way to reliably boost your Charm social stat. Priestess and Empress are also a little iffy because of the Exams' weight. If 2 notes show, then you get 3 or 4 points. 10 Give Gifts. If you have Fortune's Rank 5 (Royal) or 7 (vanilla) unlocked, no, you should use her to boost your friendship instead of spending a time slot in most cases. Availability. Before you can. These hangout events are exclusive to Persona 5 Royal and is unlocked on 6/6. Atlus/Sega. Adds more healing items to the clinic. How To Unlock Chihaya’s Confidant. You should have over 10 days worth of leeway, minimum. 1 Some Confidants Unlock The True Ending. Once 9/3. Allows for a second try if negotiation with a group of shadows fails. Personally, game isn't worth playing without the two. Around rank 8-9 depending on the character, you will have a choice to make. Green-Danger 3 years ago #1. Dr. It is not necessary. Akechi - you don't get his third tier persona and you don't get a special scene after the credits. Chance to perform a follow-up attack if Joker’s attack does not down the enemy. Reach Rank 5 with Kasumi, the Faith Arcana before 18 th December. This conversation is at rank 9, usually right after the confidant rank up screen goes away. 5x affinity points, while ranking within the top ten will give 1. It's obvious which is the romance answer in any case. The second deadline is 1/13, or Jan. Persona 5 Royal Confidant Abilities. ago. The first day on which you can speak to Chihaya is 6/22. Let me know if you have any follow-up questions (copy & paste; used spoiler tags are in case you want to find out on your own): How to unlock the third semester (new story arc in P5R): You need to get a certain confidant to rank 9 until 17. Persona®5 Royalheard from another user that you will get an additional scene on 2/15 with all the characters that you didn't romance. He is without the doubt, the most important confidant you need to max out rank wise, in order to get access to the new third semester. No reason to stress. This stacks. Ohya is your Devil confidant, so be sure to bring a Persona of the Devil arcana when you spend time with her. Rank 10 (Romance) Temperance Availability. Rank 2: The player unlocks Tumbling, an ability that helps players. Impactful conversation choices for this rank: I hope it's not too much trouble. Then Hit Rank 5 Charm. Allows Joker to join Haru and grow veggies on the roof of Shujin Academy. For rank 2 in P5R they instead want an Ame no Uzume with Frei. Yusuke Kitagawa tells you about a shogi player from his school during his Rank 2 hangout scene. Basically she isn't present for the rest of the game, it's good if you hate her. Her hangout days each week are limited but you have until December to get her confidant rank up to 5. To recap, here’s how to romance. Rank 10 - MAX. In fact, she’s the complete opposite with her mannerisms, attitude, and the fact that she just doesn’t feel. You’ve done great, HaruRank 10 is attainable later in the story, as long as you managed to get to Rank 8 beforehand. Answer (1 of 2): Technically, no. She can say that regardless of the path you have taken, whether you get to see it or not is completely dependant on one of the rank 10's dialogue choices. Pencil in Takemi's rank 10 on that day. Romance – “Are you still alive?” +0; Phone (P5R): Romance – “Do I really have to say it?” +2; Friendship – All choices are +2; Unlocks Emergency Shift (gives Futaba the ability to swap out some party members that have been knocked out). Your social stats should be pretty close to finished by now, I assume. We're giving away 10 x GOG keys for The Witcher 3. Accepted Answer. ago. To unlock the other 5 ranks, the player will need to reach Rank 9 with Maruki and Rank 8. During the dialogue between Joker and the Confidant, you’ll reach a point where Joker thinks something along. For the thieves their personas will evolve once they reach rank 10 and again when you speak to. Lovers Confidant Benefits in Persona 5 Royal: Allows you to pass your turn over to other Baton Pass users after 1 More. However, before 01/09 you will only be able to reach Rank 5. This eloquent and intelligent young gymnast comes to Joker’s aid many times throughout the course of the story, but apart from aiding Joker in battle, in. Sumire will go by "Kasumi Yoshizawa" until. Check to make sure counter in Thieves Den goes up. 3. If you have not seen the ending of P5, make a save file right before you get him to rank 9 and leave it untouched so that you can later come back to it, not level Maruki up and then see the original ending of the game. Get Akechi’s Confidant to Rank 8 before 11/17. Follow this statement with "I love you" to press her one step closer to accepting the romance. Here are the best options if you went down the romance path. There's no affect on the main story or gameplay. . The first step to beginning to work on Chihaya’s Persona 5 Royal confidant ranking is to formally begin it at all, a process that sounds simpler than it is. You can. Yes. A bit of extra dialogue is also added to their Rank 10 Confidant. All of the money you had left at the end of your playthrough will carry over into New Game +. Her appeal comes from getting access to more items in the shop and also increasing your Guts. That’s because, while Iwai will do business with you at Untouchable without question, you need Rank 4 Guts to be able to formally begin his confidant. Once the protagonist agrees to a session, the confidant will unlock. Faith Confidant abilities Rank 1: N/A Rank 2: Tumbling Prevents you from getting surrounded when a battle starts; Rank 3: N/A Rank 4: Chaines HookAt rank 9 you will be given to the option whether or not to romance, the game will warn you when you reach the point. If you're more concerned with the narrative, the best Confidants to prioritize are Makoto, Haru, Yusuke, Sojiro, Ann, Ryuji, Futaba, and Mishima. Reaching Palace 3: The first thing you have to do in. Haru Confidant rank 10 choices - Romance route I think my presence angered some people at first, but in the end they all listened to my thoughts. One of the easiest things you can do to help level up your Confidants is giving them gifts. For complete list see [[Trophies]] Can platinum without NG+ All Metaverse trophies except A Unique Rebel should be easy to unlock by endgame Can save-reload for a couple overworld trophies, rest will auto unlock while following guide My Best Partner: Max out one confidant on romance route Get Rich Quick: Wait a week for lottery ticket prize. Note that you can do this only after 6/25. In most cases the choice between the friendship route and romance route is pretty obvious. Rejuvenation. Persona 5 Multiple Romances. Haven't finished the game yet, but Makoto is the first girl I got to rank 10 with, without any need for romance. Rank 1. But only a few weeks into his year in. The Velvet Room's iconic blue portal is visible in the following spots: Shibuya. Ann Takamaki – the overseas student and model that often feels alienated from her peers – has had a bit of a rework for Persona 5 Royal. After the initial unlock on 6/10, Joker will need to spend time with this ace detective of his own volition. Chihaya Mifune Confidant Skills. Exceptions: if you're trying to get a specific furniture piece, which is dependent on the confidant; or if you haven't unlocked Fortune or cannot achieve the necessary rank soon. She even has a bunch of Buchimaru-kun emoticons!” Sounds like you two get. If you're using the one from Reddit that I've been using you should be fine. Allows you to swap current party with backup members during Joker’s turn. The good doctor Waifu. Time can be spent with Kawakami after the above steps have been done then calling from the yellow phone in Leblanc (which requires rank 3 Guts). Phone Call (P5R): I get pissed off so damn easily. For your chance to win one of them, simply leave a comment talking about the last mod you enjoyed (for any game). Save whenever you reach Rank 9 romance decision point in guide. Fourth answer: There’s no correct. This is based on who the community likes to romance, hence why Makoto and Sumi are at the top. For example, Devil gives Charm; Tower gives Kindness, etc. The protagonist automatically initiates Sumire's Confidant on May 30th, during their school's cleaning field trip. For example, if your playthrough took 100. Ann Takamaki is one of the first Phantom Thieves you recruit in Persona 5 Royal. a. You can. After this date, Kasumi becomes available as a confidant. " +3. Unlocks the. However, unlocking the True Ending has a couple of necessary steps: Get Dr. Maruki or casually known as Takuto Maruki, is one of the keys to getting access to the 3rd semester in Persona 5 Royal. Rank 5: Free Time - Kawakami will help Joker get free time in other classes. The Persona 5 Royal Iwai Confidant makes gun combat more useful than usual, giving you a chance to deal extra damage when your SP is low and even inflict status ailments without using a Persona. In the case of 2 or 3 notes, the number of points will vary depending on the activity. For the most amount of scenes you would romance at least 2 but less than the maximum amount so you can trigger both scenes. Fusion calculator and also some might need you to level up the strength confidant (twins). kentenko. November in order to unlock the new story arc that was added in P5R. Bane even prayed for Dick when he became Batman. Caroline and Justine's doorways can be found in multiple sections of Tokyo. 3. ago. As mentioned above, Dr. You can't rank up, but you'll never have to just "hang out" anymore. Ladies' Man: Need to see the Rank 10 event for every candidate on romance route. When you hit rank 9 with her, she’ll confess her feelings for the protagonist, and you can romance her by choosing the option that says “I love you. After this point, he can most typically be located in Kichijoji right outside of Penguin Sniper, the bar where you go to play billiards and darts. In fact, players would need to play through the game multiple times in order to get through every romance scenario. On the day that you rank up your Confidant level to nine with any of the romance options, you will get to choose. Romance – “So I can be with you. Impactful conversation choices for this rank: The only way I can help Shiho is to show her how hard I. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. After completing the game for the first time, Persona 5 Royal gives you a New Game Plus option. +3; Beep boop. Rank 4. If you don't have chihaya's affinity request unlocked, just make sure you have a death arcana to get the max amount of affinity growth with her, she does rank up and does not have any lock past 9. What you need to do by this date is achieve Rank 9 with the Councillor Arcana which you rank up via the new Confidant, Doctor Maruki. Increases the selection of healing items at the clinic. ” +0;. This will cost 5,000 yen per call until rank 9 is. IlDana 6 years ago #4. Must speak at daytime, Level 2 Guts for Rank 2, Level 4 Charm for Rank 8. ago. Persona 5 Royal, the. They will ask you about the. Tae is incredibly important and worth your time to invest in when it comes to Persona 5 Royal. " Phone Call (P5R if not romanced): "A true friend. The only perks of romancing a girl Confidant is some extra cutscenes during holidays and the items they give you during those holidays. Maruki's confidant events will be unlocked on 5/13. Question: "A share of stolen goods. Personally I prefer Hifumi's confidant over kawakami's and Ann's. You can easily get everything done without a guide, don't worry about it. ; Then, to unlock the Kanda district where Hifumi hangs out, watch television on 6/25. 1. Don't intentionally read books until July. ago. At rank 5, you’ll get even more of these opportunities. ago. " Romance - Option 2: "Because I love you. Once you reach rank five with Akechi, you will not be able to progress to rank 6 until 9/3. Ichiko. Boards. And which way you go has no bearing on the ending. Which sucks because I wanted more scenes with her, just the romance didn't feel right. RichiePalma ( Expert ) - 6 years ago - report. [deleted] • 2 yr. After that, in order to secure the romance route, you need to keep track of the things you need to do and take care of including Kasumi’s Ranks, progressions towards the new True Ending, helping Kasumi through her. 1 more reply. Second answer: “I’m your ally. 4. After 1/12, you can find her in Kichijoji. ” 5th Choice: Romance only – All choices are +0; Phone Call (P5R only): Romance only – “I’m yours forever. The first occurs on Dec. If you're truly stressed about it. When it comes to going into a Palace keeping your Health and SP high is one of the most important things. Just be careful and don't select the choice.